Portuguese Grammar

A quick-reference of Portuguese grammar as it's used in Brazil.

~ or ending verbs pôr, supor, dispor, propor, expor, compor ✻ or ending verbs are RARE. This list is not…

a gente » we (informal) Use as a substitute for nós (we). Brazilians use this in casual conversation because it's faster…

abrir » to open Complete conjugation.

acabar » to end up Complete conjugation. Translations of ACABAR in Portuguese Acabar in Portuguese means TO... end, end up, finish,…

acabar de » to have just (now) done something! To say you've "just done something" - use acabar + de. It's used almost always in…

aceitar » to accept Complete conjugation.

acertar » to get right It's tough to find an English verb that matches this one! ACERTAR has the meaning of…

achar » to think, find Complete conjugation.

acompanhar » to accompany, follow

acontecer » to happen, occur Complete conjugation.

acordar » to wake up Complete conjugation.

acostumar » to get used to, accustomed Complete conjugation. ✻ It's almost always used with a reflexive pronoun to make it clear that…

acreditar » to believe, trust Complete conjugation.

adaptar » to adapt Complete conjugation.

adicionar » to add ADICIONAR is most often used these days in the context of adding someone to social media…

adivinhar » to guess Complete conjugation. In olde English "to divine" meant foresee, foreknow, anticipate, to know beforehand.

administrar » to administer Complete conjugation.

adorar » to adore, love Complete conjugation.

Adverbs of Intensity Words that add emphasis such as almost, hardly, a lot, enough.

adverbs of manner Words that express the manner in which something happened. They add emphasis and emotion.

adverbs of place: longe & perto far from = longe de close to = perto de

adverbs of position & place POSITION: Words that describe position such as inside, on top of, below, beside. PLACE: Words that…

affirmations There are specific ways that agreement is expressed. All use the words certeza (certainty) and razão…

afirmar » to affirm Complete conjugation.

agradecer » to thank Complete conjugation.

aguardar » to wait for, expect Complete conjugation.

aguentar » to endure, stand Complete conjugation.

aí, ali & lá The 3 words used to express, there are: aí: where the listener is. ali: within eyesight…

ajudar » to help Complete conjugation.

almoçar » to (eat) lunch ✻ o almoço = the lunch [noun] / almoçar = to (eat) lunch [verb] Complete conjugation.

amar » to love In English we often say we love something when we like it a whole lot. But…

andar » to walk, step Complete conjugation.

anotar » to affirm Complete conjugation.

antes de & depois de You always need to place a de after antes & depois. depois de » after of…

apagar » to affirm Complete conjugation.

aparecer » to appear, show up *Often confused with PARECER which also means to appear - but in the way that someone…

apostar » to bet Complete conjugation.

aprender » to learn Complete conjugation.

apresentar » to present, introduce Complete conjugation.

aprovar » to approve Complete conjugation.

aproveitar » to take advantage of Complete conjugation.

arranjar » to affirm Complete conjugation.

arrumar » to fix up Complete conjugation.

articles o & a In Portuguese, the article the is used more often than in English. It's commonly placed before…

assim Assim has two main meanings: like this & like that

assistir » to watch, to assist *Used mainly to say, to watch. But it also can mean to assist. Complete conjugation.

atender » to attend, help Most commonly heard in stores in the context of offering help to a customer. For example,…

atrasar » to delay Complete conjugation.

atravessar » to cross, pass-through *Used mainly when talking about crossing the street. But it's also used to express traversing anything:…

avisar » to notify Complete conjugation.

baixar » to lower, download Complete conjugation.

bater » to beat, hit Complete conjugation.

beber » to drink Complete conjugation.

botar » to put, place Along with verbs botar & pôr, colocar is used is the same ways. Complete conjugation.

brigar » to fight, argue Complete conjugation.

brincar: to play Complete conjugation.

buscar » to pick-up, search for Complete conjugation.

cair » to fall Complete conjugation.

calcular » to affirm Complete conjugation.

calmar » to calm CALMAR means to calm, calm down, get calm, be calmed ETC. Also used in a similar…

cantar » to sing Complete conjugation.

casar » to marry CASAR means to marry, get hitched, game over. There are no ambiguities, double-meanings or uncertainties about…

chamar » to call, be named Complete conjugation.

chegar » to arrive Complete conjugation.

chegou a hora When you want to say, it's time to or, the time has come to... Use chegou…

cheirar » to smell Complete conjugation.

chorar » to cry Complete conjugation.

chover » to rain Complete conjugation.

colocar » to put, place Along with verbs botar & pôr, colocar is used is the same ways. Complete conjugation.

com & sem You can use sem to say for example, that you want your coffee without sugar: SEM…

combinar » to agree, combine Complete conjugation.

começar » to start, begin Complete conjugation.

começar + a You always need to place an "a" right after the verb COMEÇAR when another verb follows.…

comemorar » to celebrate Complete conjugation.

comer » to eat Complete conjugation.

comparatives Comparing one thing to another is done by combining one of these words: superior, inferior, maior,…

completar » to complete Complete conjugation.

comprar » to buy Complete conjugation.

conditional tense To say, would you add an ia to the verb's infinitive. The irregulars are not that…

confiar » to trust Complete conjugation.

confirmar » to confirm Complete conjugation.

conhecer » to know (be familiar with) Complete conjugation.

conseguir » to get, succeed By "to get" we mean, to get to do something, to manage. It's almost the same…

consertar » to fix Complete conjugation.

contar » to tell, count Complete conjugation.

continuar » to continue Complete conjugation.

contractions ao & à a (to) always combines (contracts) with "the": o & a.

contractions dele, dela

contractions desse, dessa, dele, dela De (of) can combine (contract) with esse/essa/isso as well as ele/ela.

contractions do & da De (of) combines (contracts) with 'the": o & a.

contractions naquele, naquela, naqulio Em combines (contracts) with aquele & aquela & aquilo. The translation is always, in that.

contractions no & na Em always combines (contracts) with "the": o & a.

contractions with a a (to) always combines (contracts) with certain words that follow it.

contractions with de De (of) can combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.

contractions with em Em always combines (contracts) with these words. It's actually rare to see em alone in a…

conversar » to converse Complete conjugation.

conversational estar In casual conversation, estar is abbreviated like this:

correr » to run Complete conjugation.

cortar » to cut Complete conjugation.

criar » to create Complete conjugation.

cuidar » to take care of This verb is usually used reflexively since the subject is most always receiving and doing the…

culpar » to blame Complete conjugation. expression: a culpa é sua

custar » to cost Complete conjugation.

dançar » to dance Complete conjugation.

dar » to give DAR is used all the time in everyday conversation. The most popluar expressions using DAR are…

dar para DAR para = to be possible (to) Use this when you want to convey the possibility…

de The meaning of the preposition de changes with context to mean either of, from, by, with…

de graça de graça = free of charge / for free.

De onde você é? You are asking literally: Of where you are?; but the correct translation is of course: Where…

decepcionar » to disappoint Complete conjugation.

decidir » to decide Complete conjugation.

deitar » to lay down Complete conjugation.

deixar » to leave, let Complete conjugation.

demonstrative pronouns There are 3 different words for saying this and 3 for that. Which one you use…

demorar » to delay, last, take time Complete conjugation. Translations of DEMORAR in Portuguese demorar in Portuguese means TO... delay, last, take time

depender » to depend (on) Complete conjugation.

descer » to descend, go down Complete conjugation.

descer, subir DESCER = to go down. It's most commonly used in the context of going up &…

descobrir » to discover Complete conjugation.

desculpar » to excuse When you bump someone in the street you say, desculpa! This is actually short for, me…

desejar » to desire Complete conjugation.

desenhar » to design Complete conjugation.

desenvolver » to develop Complete conjugation.

desistir » to desist, give up Complete conjugation. DESISTIR is usually followed by a de. That's because when you give up, you…

desligar » to turn off Complete conjugation.

dever » must, ought Complete conjugation. DEVER usually gets combined with another verb immediately following it to form powerful expressions.

dever + verb You can combine dever with any verb in the infinitive to express should/must. Like this:

deveria + ter deveria + ter = ought to have / should have

devolver » to give back Complete conjugation.

diminutives & augmentatives Brazilians like to add endings at the end of words to give them a sense of…

discutir » to discuss Complete conjugation.

dividir » to share, divide Complete conjugation.

dizer » to say, tell Complete conjugation.

doer » to hurt Complete conjugation.

dormir » to sleep Complete conjugation.

double negative It's not required to use a negative (não) twice in a sentence. However, Brazilians love to…

durar » to last Complete conjugation.

duvidar » to doubt Complete conjugation.

ele & ela in place of it As soon as you've brought up something in a sentence you can start referring to it…

em falta This expression using the verb FALTAR (to lack, run out of) means, to be out of.…

emprestar » to loan Complete conjugation.

encher » to fill Complete conjugation.

encher o saco ENCHER o saco = to fill the sack: to annoy, piss someone off.

encontrar » to meet Complete conjugation.

ensinar » to teach Complete conjugation.

entender » to understand Complete conjugation.

entrar » to enter Complete conjugation.

entregar » to deliver Complete conjugation.

enviar » to send (mail) Complete conjugation.

esclarecer: to clarify Complete conjugation.

escolher » to choose Complete conjugation.

esconder » to hide Complete conjugation.

escrever » to write Complete conjugation.

escutar » to listen Complete conjugation.

esperar » to wait Complete conjugation.

esquecer » to forget Complete conjugation. ESQUECER is usually followed by a de. That's because when you forget, you usually…

estar » to be (temporary) Use estar to talk about temporary, passing things. Complete conjugation.

estar + com Use estar com to say things like,

estar + de Use estar de to say things like:

estar com ciúmes To be jealous.

estudar » to study Complete conjugation.

existir » to exist Complete conjugation.

experimentar » to experiment, test Complete conjugation.

experimentar, provar EXPERIMENTAR & PROVAR both mean: to try out, to try on, to sample, to test Experimentar…

explicar » to explain Complete conjugation.

expressing NEED Expressing need in Portuguese is almost always accomplished with PRECISAR. When talking about needing something PRECISAR…

Expressing: about The most used ways to express about are:

expression cá Cá means here (aqui). It's used in several very common phrases and you can't simply substitute…

expression cadê Cadê is an expression that's used in everyday speech - all the time! Use it to…

expression chato, chata Use chato to call something or someone annoying, boring, stupid.

expression pode ser When PODER is combined with SER it takes on the meaning, maybe, might be, could be.

expression ter como When TER is combined with como it takes on the meaning, to be able to, to…

expression: jeito jeito = way, manner Several important expressions use this word: dar um jeito Literally, to give…

expressions of time the past

expressions using dar DAR is used all the time in many different expressions. In each one of them it's…

expressions using deixar There are several key expressions that Brazilians use with the verb DEIXAR.

expressions using fazer There are several key expressions that Brazilians use with the verb FAZER.

fala sério This expression means: Be serious!

falar » to speak Complete conjugation.

faltar » to lack, miss, be out of Complete conjugation.

fazer » to make, do Complete conjugation.

fechar » to close Complete conjugation.

ficar » to remain, stay, become Complete conjugation.

formal address When you want to address someone that's older or, in a formal situation use: o senhor…

formar » to form FORMAR can also mean to be graduated, to be trained in - some skill, profession or…

frequentar » to frequent Complete conjugation.

fugir » to flee, get away Complete conjugation.

fugir » to flee, get away Complete conjugation.

fumar » to smoke Complete conjugation.

funcionar » to function Complete conjugation.

future subjunctive Use the future subjunctive tense to talk about things that are likely to happen, but that…

future subjunctive – irregular verbs These are the most common irregulars in the future subjunctive tense.

future tense *Also called: future indicative, future of the present

ganhar » to gain, win Complete conjugation.

gender Nouns are usually preceded by the (article) o, or a: o hotel, a casa Names of…

gostar » to like Complete conjugation.

gostar de The verb gostar is always followed by a de. This translates as, to like of.

gritar » to yell, scream, shout Complete conjugation. Translations of GRITAR in Portuguese gritar in Portuguese means TO... scream, yell, shout

guardar » to keep Complete conjugation.

haver » to have, be, have been HAVER is used mainly to say:

imaginar » to imagine Complete conjugation.

imperative mood » For AR regular verbs you just replace the a with an e. » For ER…

imperative mood: irregulars The imperative tense is used whenever making a command or demand. The most common irregulars are:…

Imperfect Indicative Use the Imperfect Indicative when talking about actions that were continuous, habitual, or repeated over an…

imperfect subjunctive Use the imperfect subjunctive tense to talk about things that are extremely unlikely to have happened…

imperfect subjunctive + conditional The imperfect subjunctive tense is used to talk about things that are extremely unlikely to have…

imperfect tense of estar To express was. When talking about action in the past, use the imperfect indicative tense of…

Imperfect tense of SABER Saber is irregular in the Imperfect Indicative tense. ✻ The Imperfect tense is used when talking…

Imperfect tense of SER Ser is irregular in the Imperfect Indicative tense. ✻ The Imperfect tense is used when talking…

Imperfect tense of TER Ter is irregular in the Imperfect Indicative tense. ✻ The Imperfect tense is used when talking…

importar » to matter, import Complete conjugation.

incluir » to include Complete conjugation.

incomodar » to bother Complete conjugation.

indefinite pronoun: todo todo(a) = all, every

indefinite pronouns: algo, nada, tudo, cada Called indefinite pronouns because they refer to things that are indefinite. algo = something nada =…

indefinite pronouns: algum, nenhum algum(a) = some nenhum(a) = no one

indefinite pronouns: algum, nenhum, pouco, muito, todo Indefinite pronouns refer to an INDEFINITE NUMBER of things: some, none, few, many & every. They…

indefinite pronouns: pouco, muito pouco(a) = few, a little muito(a) = much, many

indefinite pronouns: qualquer, bastante, tanto These indefinite pronouns are also very common. qualquer = whicever one, whatever bastante = plenty tanto(a)…

indefinite pronouns: uns, vários, certo These indefinite pronouns are also very common. uns = some (masculine) umas = some (feminine) vários(as)…

indicar » to indicate, recommend Complete conjugation.

informar » to inform Complete conjugation.

instalar » to inform Complete conjugation.

interessar » to inform Complete conjugation.

introductions Muito Prazer In Portuguese, you actually say something like Much pleasure to know you. Muito prazer…

ir » to go In the present tense IR translates as I go, she goes, we go ETC. It's (very)…

ir embora The phrase vamos embora evolved from the old time phrase Vamos em boa hora. Say it…

já volto Já volto means, I’ll be right back. Literally, already, I’m back. You just need to remember…

jantar » to have dinner Complete conjugation.

jogar » to throw Complete conjugation.

jurar » to swear, vow Complete conjugation.

lançar » to launch Complete conjugation.

largar » to let go, quit Complete conjugation.

lavar » to wash Complete conjugation.

lembrar » to remember Complete conjugation.

ler » to read Complete conjugation.

levantar » to get up Complete conjugation.

levar » to carry, take Complete conjugation.

ligar » to call, connect Use ligar to talk about calling or connecting - almost always when talking about modern technology:…

mais To express things like newer, older, prettier, more expensive etc., use mais.

mais cedo, mais tarde Literally: more early, more late. Use this to say: sooner or later.

mandar » to order, demand Complete conjugation.

marcar » to schedule MARCAR is often used when talking about setting a date. The opposite of MARCAR is DESMARCAR.…

me deixa DEIXAR = to leave, let. Brazilians use this verb all the time in expressions such as…

melhor The best. It doesn't change with gender it's always: o melhor; a melhor.

melhorar » to improve Complete conjugation.

mergulhar » to swim Complete conjugation.

mesmo Mesmo can be used to add emphasis in the same way really does.

mexer » to move, stir Complete conjugation.

morar » to live Complete conjugation.

morrer » to die Complete conjugation.

mostrar » to show Complete conjugation.

mudar » to move, change Complete conjugation.

muito & muita When talking about the degree (very), always use muito.

muito prazer The proper way to say this is, muito prazer em conhecer você ➜➜ very pleased to…

nada a ver Use this to express: nothing to do (with). The cost has nothing to do with it.…

namorar » to date Complete conjugation.

não dá No way! It's impossible.

não é Isn't it. This usually gets shortened to "né".

nem Use nem when you want to say, don't even.

O que é isso? This means What is this? Commonly abbreviated to: O que isso? | Que isso? You can…

object pronouns (advanced) Simple object pronouns: Substitute te for você. Advanced object pronouns: You can say "it" and, "them"…

object pronouns (simple) There are two extremely common substitutions made in conversational Portuguese: para você > gets replaced by…

observar » to observe Complete conjugation.

ocupar » to occupy Complete conjugation.

oferecer » to throw Complete conjugation.

olhar » to look Complete conjugation.

onde Onde in Portuguese is used in several different ways. It's important to use it with the…

ordinal numbers Números ordinais are the way to say first, second, third ETC. These need to be gendered…

ouvir » to hear, listen Complete conjugation.

pagar: to pay Complete conjugation.

papo BATER papo = to chat (literally: to hit chat). O papo = the chat.

para Para has two meanings. (1) to (a place) You can use either a, or para to…

parar » to stop Complete conjugation.

parar + de You always need to place an “de” right after the verb PARAR and a verb that…

parecer » to seem, appear *Often confused with APARECER. Complete conjugation.

participar » to participate Complete conjugation.

partir » to depart, leave Complete conjugation.

passar » to pass Complete conjugation.

past participles A past participle is just a verb conjugation that describes something that is over and done:…

pedir » to ask for, request Complete conjugation.

pegar » to get, take Complete conjugation.

pensar » to think Complete conjugation.

perceber » to realize, perceive Complete conjugation.

perder » to lose Complete conjugation.

perguntar » to ask Complete conjugation.

permitir » to permit Complete conjugation.

pesar » to weigh Complete conjugation.

physical descriptions Brazilians often call people by their physical attributes -- even if it's potentially unflattering or offensive…

Plurals: l, r, s, z endings Words ending in r: add es ---------------------------------- Words ending in s: add es ---------------------------------- Words ending…

Plurals: m, ão endings Ending in "m" change the m to ns.

plurals: simple case Simple case: just add an s.

poder » to be able to, can It's similar to CONSEGUIR but used more often. Its conjugation is irregular. Complete conjugation.

poder + verb Poder = to be able to, can. It's often paired with a verb like this:

pôr » to put Complete conjugation.

por + articles por = by, for Por often gets used along with "the" (o, a). When it does…

Portuguese Adjectives

Portuguese Adverbs Words that describe how, when, where, why, or to what extent—how often or how much (e.g.,…

possessive pronouns mine & yours mine = meu / minha yours = seu / sua

pousar » to land Complete conjugation.

precisar » to need Complete conjugation. PRECISAR often gets followed by a de when talking about needing SOMETHING.

precisar + verb IWhen PRECISAR is followed by another verb you don't need the de. But the following verb…

preferir » to prefer Complete conjugation.

preocupar » to worry Complete conjugation.

preparar » to prepare Complete conjugation.

preposition por por = by, for, per, in, of, to, with, via, out of, for the sake of…

prepositions These are the most common Portuguese prepositions: a = at, to de = of, from em…

Present Indicative » irregulars There are plenty of irregular verbs in the present tense (the present indicative). These are the…

Present Indicative tense In Portuguese, the present tense verbs (formally called the present indicative) are divided into three groups:…

Present Perfect The Present Perfect (verb tense) is used to talk about action that's on-going: what has been…

Present Progressive Use this to say what's happening right now: I'm working, He's surfing, You're talking, etc. It's…

Present Subjunctive Use the present subjunctive tense to talk about things that are plausible yet uncertain to happen…

Present tense ~ar verbs

Present tense ~er verbs * More accurately called, the present indicative tense.

Present tense ~ir verbs ✻ More accurately called, the present indicative tense. There aren't many ~ir verbs. The most common…

Present tense: descobrir, sair Two popular irregular ~IR verbs in the present tense.

present tense: perder, pedir, dormir Some popular irregular verbs in the present tense.

Present vs. Past: pedir, ouvir PEDIR and OUVIR have similar ~irregulr conjugations in the present and the simple past. These are…

prestar » deliver (a service), be worthy, to pay (attention) PRESTAR is commonly only used to express three things: (1) providing, supplying a service. (2) expressing…

pretender » to intend Complete conjugation.

prever » to predict Complete conjugation. Estou prevendo chuva. Não vamos fazer previsões.Qual é a sua previsão? Você previu tudo.

primeiro, primeira Primeiro(a) means, first. The ending has to agree with the subject gender.

procurar » to procure, look for Complete conjugation.

provar » to prove, try out Complete conjugation.

puxar » to pull Complete conjugation.

Quantos anos você tem? Use the verb TER when talking about age. In Portuguese you have years. In English you…

quebrar » to break Complete conjugation.

querer » to want Complete conjugation.

querer dizer This translates to "to mean".

question words (interrogative pronouns)

receber » to receive Complete conjugation.

reflexive verbs A verb becomes reflexive when it's used to talk about doing something to oneself, such as…

relaxar » to relax Complete conjugation.

remarcar » to reschedule Complete conjugation.

reparar » to notice Complete conjugation.

repetir » to repeat Complete conjugation.

resolver » to resolve Complete conjugation.

respirar » to breathe Complete conjugation.

responder » to respond Complete conjugation.

rolar » to happen, roll Complete conjugation.

saber » to know (a fact) Complete conjugation.

sair » to leave, go out Complete conjugation.

saudade Use saudade to express longing and missing. It can be of a person or a place…

seguir » to follow Complete conjugation.

seja is used to express "be!" or, "will be". It also translates to, rather. Pronounced: SAY-ZHA This…

sem + verb You can combine sem, plus (almost) any verb in it’s infinitive form. You can use this…

sentar » to sit Complete conjugation.

sentir » to feel Complete conjugation.

ser » to be (permanent) Complete conjugation.

ser & estar Ser is for somewhat permanent characteristics. Don't take this too literally - nothing is truly permanent…

ser & ficar Ser & Ficar can often be used interchangeably in cases like these: location When talking about…

ser & ficar » location Ser & ficar can be used interchangeably to talk about the location of something: When talking…

ser & ficar» becoming Ser & Ficar can often be used interchangeably in cases like these: becoming / getting to…

ser in the infinitive Just like any verb, you can use ser (to be) in it’s infinitive.

seria SER = to be. Seria is the conditional form: would be.

servir » to serve Complete conjugation.

significar » to signify, mean Complete conjugation.

simple Past tense ~ar verbs "simple past" = action that is over and done. This is called, the preterit indicative tense.

simple past tense ~er verbs The "simple past" = action that is over and done. Officially called the Preterit Indicative tense.

simple past tense ~ir verbs The "simple past" = action that is over and done. Officially called the Preterit Indicative tense.…

simple past tense: ser, ir The preterit of ser and ir ~ These two essential verbs are very irregular in the…

simple past tense: ter, dizer, fazer Some popular irregular verbs in the simple past tense. * More correctly called, the preterit indicative…

Slang and Idioms UNDER CONSTRUCTION Slang is a type of language that is informal and playful. It often changes…

soltar » to release, let go Complete conjugation.

sonhar » to dream Complete conjugation.

sua praia This a common expression used to say: your thing (as in, something one likes). Use it…

subir » to go up Complete conjugation.

sujar » to dirty Complete conjugation.

tanto(a) That much, so much, as much, so many.

tão Use tão to express so, so much, so very. Use it convey degree, not quantity.

tentar » to try Complete conjugation.

ter » to have Complete conjugation.

ter que To have to or, must. Ter que literally means to have that.

terminar » to end, finish, terminate Complete conjugation. Translations of TERMINAR in Portuguese terminar in Portuguese means TO... end, finish, finish, be…

the infinitive The Portuguese infinitive is just the verb itself - unconjugated. These generally translate as "to run,…

tirar » to remove, take away Complete conjugation.

tocar » to touch (play an instrument) Complete conjugation.

todo mundo Use todo mundo to express everyone. It literally means: the entire world.

tomar » to take Complete conjugation.

torcer » to cheer, root for Complete conjugation.

tornar » to turn into, become Complete conjugation.

trabalhar » to work Complete conjugation.

trancar » to lock, latch Complete conjugation. Translations of TRANCAR in Portuguese Trancar in Portuguese means TO... lock, lock-up, latch, fasten,…

trazer » to bring Complete conjugation.

trocar » to trade, exchange Complete conjugation.

tudo bem tudo bem = everything fine or, everything ok. It can be a question as well as…

usar » to use, to wear Complete conjugation.

using ir to express the future You can use ir (to go) to say where you're going, or what you're going to…

valer » to be worth Complete conjugation.

valer a pena When VALER is combined with a pena (the penalty), it takes on the meaning of to…

vender: to sell Complete conjugation.

ver » to see Complete conjugation. ✱ It's easy to mix up the pronunciation of ver with vir: ➜ to…

verificar » to verify Complete conjugation.

vestir » to wear Complete conjugation.

viajar » to travel Complete conjugation.

vir » to come Vir is irregular and there are no other verbs with a similar conjugation. Present Tense: ✻…

VIR vs. VER pronunciation ✱ It's easy to mix up the pronunciation of vir with ver: ➜ to come |||…

virar » to turn (around, into) Complete conjugation.

visitar » to visit Complete conjugation.

viver » to live Complete conjugation.

voltar » to return Complete conjugation. Common Expressions:

voltar » to return, come back Complete conjugation. Common Expressions: