I couldn't believe how hard it was to say, "I just got home" or, "They just arrived" -- I tried to use só or, somente for just. Then I would say something like, I soon got home or, I now arrived home. Crazy difficult. Then I discovered ACABAR DE.
Translating the first clip above:
Mom, I just finished waking up.
The just is included because when you use ACABAR + de, you really are saying that you JUST NOW finished doing something. It always takes on this meaning. Always.
acabar de ~ the Magic Formula
We are using plain old ACABAR (to finish, to end) and placing de + any verb in it's infinitive (unconjugated) form after it. Like this:
Just as it does with other verbs you've seen. And here.
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Eu parei de fumar. = I stopped smoking.
Ela melhorou de jogar. = She's going to going to improve playing.
Mãe eu acabei de acordar. = Mom, I finished waking up.
More examples using acabar de
Getting Fancy with ACABAR de
And you can get pretty advanced and say something like,
Very advanced.
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