Shopping in Brazil: Eu levo

Shopping in Brazil

You've just entered a clothing store in Brazil. Most likely, one of the sales clerks on the floor will immediately rush over to meet you. It will usually be someone your opposite sex. The clerk will try to be your instant friend and ask you where you are from and try to say whatever english he or she may have memorized.

Shopping in Brazil is always a great chance to practice your portuguese. The clerk will give you full attention and do everything to keep the conversation alive.

Here is what to say when you want to try something on:

Posso experimentar essa camisa?

The verbs experimentar and provar (same thing) mean to try-on. The try-on room is called the provador de roupa.

Your conversation with the store clerk is going to go like this:

VOCÊ: Gostei dessa camisa.

ATENDENTE: É muito show. Você quer experimentar?

VOCÊ: Quero. Onde é o provador?

ATENDENTE: Tem ali atrás... no canto.

VOCÊ: Já volto.

ATENDENTE: Bom, ficou legal! (they will always say it looks great!)

VOCÊ: Também gostei.

ATENDENTE: Também tem em vermelha, quer experimentar?

VOCÊ: Não precisa. Eu gostei dessa. Vou levar essa!

Notice how LEVAR was used to say I'll take this one. You can also say: Eu levo, or Vou ficar com essa.

And with that, the deal is done. The clerk will usually escort you through the checkout /payment and then to the exit door and will warmly send you off. Even though the friendship you just made isn't very genuine, the conversation practice was. Take advantage of it 😉