Portuguese adverbs & adjectives

adverbs & adjectives

Portuguese Adverbs and Adjectives

One quick way to instantly increase your vocabulary is to learn the mente ending. This works for words (adverbs) that in English, end in ly. So for example, quickly, easily, mainly, totally, freely, and so on.

All you need to remember is that you take the FEMININE version of the adverb and add the mente.

For example, the feminine form of rápido > rápida. So to say quickly, it's rapidamente.

Got that?

Let's do another - this time from an adverb that doesn't change endings with gender like, livre. There is no "livro" (well, except for a book) nor "livra" of course, it's always livre. So to say freely it's livremente.

Ele falou comigo friamente. ➜ He spoke with me coldly.
Foi totalmente destruído. ➜ It was totally destroyed.
Ele ganhou facilmente. ➜ He won easily.
Ela fala fluentemente. ➜ She speaks fluently.
Eu vou ficar lá temporariamente. ➜ I'm going to stay there temporarily.
You can and should take chances creating these words on your own. You're always better off learning a about the structure and rules for making these words, and then attempting to discover them - rather than trying to memorize. For example, if you wanted to say extremely, you should just try and add a mente to the word extremo(a). Chances are you'll get it right. If you don't you will surely get some interesting reaction from a Brazilian -- one that will surely make you forever remember the correct form! Taking chances is always your best approach. Fear of speaking shuts down most students from really moving towards fluency.

Try and think of other Portuguese adverbs and adjectives. How would you say for example: briefly, rarely, clearly?

Try these:
She attended college briefly..
I rarely pay with cash.
Can you see clearly?

» From our online Portuguese course.