The first word that really tripped my up was, what.
COMO in Portuguese
A learner's goal is to get people -on the street, in a store, wherever and whenever -- to repeat themselves. The more the better! The more you hear something spoken IN-CONTEXT (about something, some moment you are IN), the faster you'll be speaking it yourself.
Too bad, right? It's only the_most important word. The fact that there are a few different contexts to the word what seemed just too difficult to comprehend. The options being,
What did you say ☞ Como... Oi? ... O quê?
- Como? ☞ How? As in, How did you say that?
- What? ✪ Use_this_one ✪
- Oi?
- What?
- O quê?
- What?
Really though any of those will work just fine!
What in Portuguese
This headline is just here for Google to like. We all know this post is just going to show you a few useful and useable ways to prompt someone to repeat what they just said.
Use repetir: to repeat
to repeat
I repeat
eu rep
you/he/she repeat(s)
você/ele/ela repet
to repeat | repetir | ||
I repeat | eu rep | ito | |
you/he/she repeat(s) | você/ele/ela repet | e |
*Pronounced: heh-pet-chee.
**This isn't rude. Always attach a por favor at the end to be extra courteous.
Using FALAR or DIZER to prompt people
A bit more literal, more direct - these are always great to use:
🧐 Did you know? ☞ quem and qual are part of a group of words called Interrogative Pronouns (question words). These are all words that INTERROGATE! Others include: como, onde, quando, por que, quanto, & o que {who, what where, when why etc...}.
quem > Quem é você? (Who are you?)
quanto > Quanto custa? (How much is it?)
quando > Quando nós vamos sair? (When are we going out?)
o que > O que você quer? (What do you want?)
onde > Onde fica sua casa? (Where is your house?)
por que > Por que o céu é azul? (Why is the sky blue?)
como > Como se chama? (What's your name?)
qual > Qual é seu nome? (What's your name?)
* Also known as interrogative pronouns.
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